Read this for the business case, aka the background: KB #3188 | Assigning the Enter key as keyboard shortcut to confirming a segment does not appear to work
How to do it?
Open SDL Trados, Options, Shortcuts. Change Copy SourceToTarget to key F10, so that a <SettingsGroup Id="ShortcutsSettingsGroup"> is created in SDL XML options.
Locate UserSettings.xml, usually in C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\UserSettings.xml
Paste this to the end thereof, overwriting the existing Shortcuts group:
<SettingsGroup Id="ShortcutsSettingsGroup">
<Setting Id="CopySourceToTargetAction">
<Setting Id="ConfirmAndMoveToNextUnconfirmedSegmentAction">
<Setting Id="EditCurrentTranslationUnitAction" />
That's it! Now reopen SDL Trados and press Enter in the edit view to test it.