Monday, July 11, 2016

SDL Trados - Enter as "Confirm, go to Next Segment" key shortcut

Read this for the business case, aka the background: KB #3188 |  Assigning the Enter key as keyboard shortcut to confirming a segment does not appear to work

How to do it?
Open SDL Trados, Options, Shortcuts. Change Copy SourceToTarget to key F10, so that a <SettingsGroup Id="ShortcutsSettingsGroup"> is created in SDL XML options.

Locate UserSettings.xml, usually in C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\UserSettings.xml

Paste this to the end thereof, overwriting the existing Shortcuts group:

  <SettingsGroup Id="ShortcutsSettingsGroup">
    <Setting Id="CopySourceToTargetAction">
    <Setting Id="ConfirmAndMoveToNextUnconfirmedSegmentAction">
    <Setting Id="EditCurrentTranslationUnitAction" />

That's it! Now reopen SDL Trados and press Enter in the edit view to test it.

Cool mini amp from China 1: Kentiger mini 4ch channel audio stereo amplifier amp fm mp3

This one:

Kentiger mini 4ch channel audio stereo amplifieramp fm mp3

from the sino-town Chinese guys, 25 USD including shipping.  

It took two months to reach me (I suspect Polish customs at play....) but I love it already:

  1.  It is "plug and play" that is it detects the device inserted (USB) and starts to play it. No pressing other keys is necessary.
  2. It is stateful - as it remembers the track and position of the media device inserted. 
  3. Power supply is 12 V, which makes it pretty damn universal: even a cheapo wall charger, car battery or two pocket Li-Lios cells will do to fire it up in the street or so. 
  4. It even remembers the status quo upon "reboot" that is powering down and up! That is if you insert the same media and switch the amp on, it resumes play from the very position. Simple genius and exactly what I was looking for, as I do not like to fiddle with remote controls.

I will update it once I test the distortion, power, etc.

I wonder how it will work with the other toys I bought this month:
Nux PG2 mini amp for guitar
Mandala sticker - inspiration for my tattoo